Nancy Howard and Dave Brough, co-presidents, seated at table in front of map

Contacting GSWC

Mailing Address
Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County, Michigan, Inc.
P.O. Box 7155
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-7155
Co-President: David J. Brough
Co-President: Nancy Howard
First Vice-President: Marcia McCrary
Second Vice-President: Rodger Wolf
Committee Chairs
Cemetery Co-Chair: Rob Steward
Cemetery Co-Chair: Cyndy Steward
Librarian: Matthew Marvin
Membership: Martha M. Carr
Program and Education: Marcia McCrary
Research: Rebecca Carver
Webmaster Team: Ed Redmer
Genealogical Society Delegates
NGS Delegate: Ed Redmer
Michigan Gen. Council Delegate: Tim Salatin
Michigan Gen. Council Delegate: Ed Redmer
Special Interest Groups
DNA SIG: Vacant
German SIG: Lynn Miller
Ireland and UK SIG: Abigail Eynon
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