Facts in Michigan State Census, 1827-94

Facts Contained in Population Schedules:
Michigan Territorial and State Census

based on a fact sheet provided by the Bentley Historical Library
Name and Address 1827 1834 1845 1884 1894
Name of head of household
Name of individual
Age or age range
Street name and house number
Family Origins 1827 1834 1845 1884 1894
Relationship to head of household
Month of birth, if born within the year
Sex, color
Marital status
Whether married within the year
Month of marriage, if married within the year
Number of children born during year
Number of living children, if a mother
Birthplaces of father and mother
Whether father or mother of foreign birth
Education & Health 1827 1834 1845 1884 1894
Whether able to speak English
Whether able to read and write
Whether attended school within the year
Whether temporarily or permanently disabled
Whether deaf, dumb, blind, or insane
Welfare & Occupation 1827 1834 1845 1884 1894
Time unemployed during the census year
Whether a pauper
Whether a prisoner or homeless child
Whether a convict
Whether a soldier, sailor, or marine in the
Civil War (USA or CSA), or a widow of one
Residency and Citizenship 1827 1834 1845 1884 1894
Number of years in this state
Number of years in the United States
Naturalized or not; papers taken out
Slave or free
White males by age group
White females by age group
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Updated 6/6/22 SLB; 1/23/23 SLB