GSWC Family Bible Registry

GSWC established this project in 1986 to collect and preserve family Bible records. Bible records are accepted from members and non-members and do not have to pertain to Washtenaw County residents. Records prior to 1920 are preferred. The GSWC Family Bible Registry is kept at the GSWC Library. The registry contains over 2,000 surnames and 9,500 individual names. Please direct questions about the GSWC Family Bible Registry to

GSWC Family Bible Registry Surnames

 A-E   F-L   M-R   S-Z

To submit Bible records, use this form: Family Bible Records form (opens in PDF - Adobe Acrobat required). Include photocopies of the Bible's title page and records with your submission.
Updated 6/8/22 SLB; 1/22/23 SLB; 9/7/24 SLB; 9/7/24 SLB